It seems so innocent at first. A simple customer request to add an item here, a brilliant idea to expand a service there, and before you know it, your project…
Businesses require structure to grow and be profitable, otherwise you'd have people pulling in all sorts of different directions. Planning the structure ensures there are enough human resources with the…
While there are many different structures that organizations can adopt, depending upon the type of organization including whether it is a service organization or a manufacturing organization, a well structured…
Whether your event is large or small, it can benefit from the use of an effective PR strategy. Public relations can help you to increase the profile of your event…
Whether you’re an early adopter of digital or a savant of tradition, here are three shifts in public relations and marketing your company will want to embrace now or in…
Whether organizing a small meeting or orchestrating a large conference, event planning is a huge task! Every event, no matter how simple or complex, requires detailed planning and organization. Here…
Companies use corporate events to bring people together to develop interpersonal relationships that couldn't exist inside the structured environment of the office. Here is a look at the three different…
The elements of a good performance-management system are simple, it requires strategic vision, hard work, difficult decisions, the ability to motivate people to hit tough targets, and much more. Here…
Performance management is misunderstood or executed in a clumsy way that can actually harm employee engagement, motivation and, ultimately, performance. Here are the 5 biggest mistakes companies make time and…
Performance management is the process of creating a work environment or setting in which people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities. A performance management system includes…